1 Once I doubted much the Holy Word,
Questioned sermons which I seldom heard,
Till my soul the Holy Spirit stirred:
Now I’m saved.
Saved for service is my song today,
Blest for blessing is the Gospel way,
Bring to Jesus someone now astray:
Saved to serve.
2 Once I stumbled at the many creeds,
Boasted often of my moral deeds,
Till I come to see my soul’s deep needs:
Now I’m saved. [Refrain]
3 Once I looked upon the church with scorn,
Disregarded those who came to warn,
Till I heard “Again ye must be born:”
Now I’m saved. [Refrain]
4 Once I drank the dregs of moral dross,
Sought for gains that in the end are loss,
Till I met the Savior at the cross:
Now I’m saved. [Refrain]
Source: Make Christ King: a selection of high class gospel music for use in general worship and special evangelistic meetings #83