1 Our Redeemer has gone to prepare us a home,
But He’ll come, by and by;
E’er obeying and trusting, we never shall roam,
But with gladness rise to meet Him in the sky.
He will come, He will come,
Christ, the wonderful Savior of men;
From unrighteousness free, let us ready then be,
Our Redeemer’s coming back to earth again.
2 If we’re faithful to Jesus, we’ll know endless joy,
When He comes by and by;
And He’ll take us to Heaven where naught can annoy,
With the ransomed ones His name to glorify. [Refrain]
3 May we faithfully serve Him, be loyal each day,
Till He come by and by;
And be waiting to welcome and join Him alway,
For we know His wondrous coming now is nigh. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #16189