Out on life's dark heaving ocean

Representative Text

1 Out on life's dark heaving ocean,
Winds and waves around us rave;
In the tempest's wild commotion,
Friend of sinners, shield and save!
Vain are all our weak endeavours
Thou our Guide and Helper be!
Star of hope! in danger cheer us;
Help can only come from Thee.

2 When the storms of fierce temptation
Wildly sweep across our way,
And the night of fear and sorrow
Quenches every starry ray,
Let Thy presence, great Redeemer,
Banish all our guilty fear;
And the joy of Thy salvation
Every fainting spirit cheer.

3 When the mists of doubt and passion
Hide the reefs and shoals from sight,
God of Love, protect and save us!
Be our Refuge and our Light;
Be our sure, unerring Pilot,
Guide us safely to the shore,
Where the waves of sin and sorrow
Beat upon the soul no more.

Source: Methodist Hymn and Tune Book: official hymn book of the Methodist Church #460

Author: E. H. Dewart

Born: March 30, 1828, Stra­done, Coun­ty Ca­van, Ire­land. Died: Cir­ca 1903, prob­ab­ly in To­ron­to, On­tar­io, Ca­na­da. Dewart ar­rived in Ca­na­da around 1834. Or­dained a Meth­od­ist min­is­ter in 1855, he ed­it­ed the Meth­od­ist news­pa­per, the To­ron­to Chris­tian Guar­di­an (1869-94), and earned a DD de­gree from Vic­tor­ia Un­i­ver­si­ty, To­ron­to, in 1879. His works in­clude: Selections from Ca­na­di­an Po­ets (Mont­ré­al, Ca­na­da: John Lov­ell, 1864) Songs of Life (To­ron­to, Ca­na­da: 1869) Bible Un­der High­er Cri­ti­cism Broken Reeds, or, The Her­e­sies of the Ply­mouth Breth­ren Shown to Be Con­tra­ry to Scrip­ture & Rea­son… Go to person page >

Text Information

First Line: Out on life's dark heaving ocean
Author: E. H. Dewart
Meter: D
Language: English
Copyright: Public Domain



Instances (1 - 8 of 8)

Battle Songs of the Cross #d154

Hymnal for Sunday School and Social Worship #d166

Methodist Hymn and Tune Book #d655

TextPage Scan

Methodist Hymn and Tune Book #460

Page Scan

Methodist Hymn-Book #935

Songs for Worship #d145

The Book of Praise #508

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The Great Redemption #164

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