1 Praise him, praise the Lord, ye people,
Lift your voices high and sing;
Pour forth praises loud and ample,
Let the mighty anthem ring.
Hallelujah! Let us praise him,
Make the heav’nly arches ring;
Song of songs and praise of praises,
To the Lord Jehovah bring.
2 Praise the Father, Lord almighty,
And his wondrous love proclaim;
Heav’n and earth join in the chorus,
And repeat the glad refrain.
Hallelujah! Let us praise him,
Make the heav’nly arches ring;
Song of songs and praise of praises,
To the Lord Jehovah bring.
3 Praise the Son of God incarnate,
Men and angels praise his name;
Yesterday, now and forever,
Jesus Christ is just the same.
Hallelujah! Let us praise him,
Make the heav’nly arches ring;
Song of songs and praise of praises,
To the Lord Jehovah bring.
4 Praise the ever blessed Spirit,
Holy Comforter and Guide;
May his blessings we inherit,
And our wants are all supplied.
Praise the Father, Son and Spirit,
God of angels and of men;
Glory, honor, blessing, merit,
Be unto his name. Amen.
Source: Pearls of Praise #1