Send, O Lord, Thy Holy Spirit

Representative Text

1 Send, O Lord, Your Holy Spirit
On Your servant now, we pray;
Let him prove a faithful shepherd
That no lamb be led astray.
Your pure teaching to proclaim,
To extol Your holy name,
And to feed Your lambs, dear Savior,
Make his aim and sole endeavor.

2 You, O Lord, Yourself have called him
For Your precious lambs to care;
But to prosper in his calling,
He the Spirit's gifts must share.
Give him wisdom from above,
Fill his heart with holy love;
In his weakness, Lord, be near him,
In his prayers, Good Shepherd, hear him.

3 Help, Lord Jesus, help him nourish
All our children with Your Word
That in fervent love they serve You
Till in heav'n their song is heard.
Boundless blessings, Lord, bestow
On his faithful toil below
Till by grace to him is given
His reward, the crown of heaven.

Source: Lutheran Service Book #681

Translator: F. W. Herzberger

Born: October 23, 1859, Baltimore, Maryland. Died: August 26, 1930, St. Louis, Missouri. Educated at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri, Herzberger pastored in Carson, Kansas; Chicago, Illinois; and Hammond, Indiana. He was also a pioneer missionary in Arkansas, became the first city missionary (in St. Louis) of the Lutheran Missouri Synod in 1899, and worked for many missionary and charitable causes. His works include: The Family Altar  Go to person page >

Text Information

First Line: Send, O Lord, Thy Holy Spirit
German Title: Segne, herr, mit deinem Geiste
Translator: F. W. Herzberger
Source: German hymn, 19th cent.; Lieder-Perlen, St. Louis, 1905
Language: English
Copyright: Public Domain



JESU JOY is a form of the tune WERDE MUNTER, MEIN GEMUETE by Johann Schop (b. Hamburg [?], Germany, c. 1595; d. Hamburg, 1667). In 1614 Schop was appointed court musician in the Hofkapelle at Wolfenbüttel. A virtuoso violinist, he also played the lute, cornetto, and trombone. He became a musician f…

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The Cyber Hymnal #5975
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Instances (1 - 6 of 6)

Christian Worship (1993) #545

Page Scan

Christian Worship #898

TextPage Scan

Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary #507

TextPage Scan

Lutheran Service Book #681


Lutheran Worship #263


The Cyber Hymnal #5975

Include 3 pre-1979 instances
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