1 Sing HALLELUJAH! O how bless'd,
The man who doth JEHOVAH fear;
Who also takes a great delight
In keeping his commands with care.
2 His seed shall multiply on earth,
Be great and prosper mightily:
The righteous race of righteous men
Shall blessed be abundantly.
3 Riches and wealth shall fill his house;
His righteousness no end shall find;
4 Light in his darkness shall arise;
He's just, compassionate and kind.
5 A good man lends, and favour shews,
And his affairs with judgment guides:
6 Surely he never shall be mov'd;
For ever dear his name abides.
7 Ill tydings shall not him dismay;
His heart fix'd, on the LORD relies;
8 His heart so firm, he never fears
While he looks on his enemies.
9 He kindnesses disperses round,
And gives the poor a meet supply;
His righteousness shall ever last;
His horn in honour rise on high.
10 The wicked this shall see and grieve,
And gnash their teeth and melt away;
While all their ill desires and aims,
Shall fail and utterly decay.
Source: The Psalms Hymns and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New Testament, faithfully translated into English Metre: being the New-England Psalm-Book, revised and improved... (2nd ed.) #PCXII