Thomas of Aquino, confessor and doctor, commonly called The Angelical Doctor, “on account of," says Dom Gueranger, "the extraordinary gift of understanding wherewith God had blessed him," was born of noble parents, his father being Landulph, Count of Aquino, and his mother a rich Neapolitan lady, named Theodora. The exact date of his birth is not known, but most trustworthy authorities give it as 1227. At the age of five he was sent to the Benedictine monastery at Monte Cassino to receive his first training, which in the hands of a large-hearted and God-fearing man, resulted in so filling his mind with knowledge and his soul with God, that it is said the monks themselves would often approach by stealth to hear the words of piety and wisdo… Go to person page >
Author: James Dominick Ambrose Aylward
Aylward, James Ambrose, born in 1813, at Leeds, and educated at Hinckley, the Dominican Priory of St. Peter, to which a secular college was attached. Particulars touching the stages of his monastic life may be found in the Obituary Notices of the Friar-Preachers, or Dominicans, of the English Province from the year of our Lord 1650. He was ordained in 1836, and assisted in the school, taking the higher classical studies, in 1842. He became head of the school, and continued so till it was discontinued in 1852. At Woodchester he was made successively Lector of Philosophy and Theology and Prior. He died at Hinckley, and was buried in the cloister-yard of Woodchester. His sacred poems have become his principal monument, and of these he contribu… Go to person page >