1 Sing ye his praises, Christ the Redeemer,
Daily before him pour out thy soul;
Songs of thanksgiving thy heart uplifting,
Let him thy spirit ever control.
Sing ye his praises, glad alleluias,
Up from thy grateful heart let them ring;
Kneel thou before him, love and adore him,
Over all others crown him King.
2 Sing ye his praises, serve him with gladness,
He who hath served thee surely may claim
All of thy talents, all thou may'st offer;
Glory, all glory be to his name! [Refrain]
3 Sing ye his praises, lift up your voices,
Tell of his mercies, boundless and sure,
Of his compassion, new every morning,
That every trial helped thee endure. [Refrain]
4 Sing ye his praises, closer, yet closer,
Press to his side when shadows bedim
Hope's blessed sunlight, life's skies o'ercasting,
Yielding and trusting all things to him. [Refrain]
5 Sing ye his praises, glad hearts o'erflowing,
Sanctified wholly thro' his great love;
Tell it to others, his blood will cleanse them,
That they may enter his kingdom above. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of the Century #109