1 Soldiers of Jesus with face to the foe,
When from the ranks that are marshalled below,
Brave ones are called for promotion on high,
Let not the standard they bore fallen lie.
Take up the flag
Take up the flag,
Vict’ry thro’ Jesus o’er error and wrong!
Vict’ry thro’ Jesus! Keep step to the song;
Take up the flag bravely,
Take up the flag.
2 Honor and glory and rest by and by,
Now help in bringing complete vict’ry nigh;
Joy of the victor, Christ shares with His own,
Joy that abides ‘round the Conqueror’s throne. [Refrain]
3 Take up the flag, the Redeemer shall reign;
Death’s mighty bars were not broken in vain;
Haste to the place He appoints thee to stand;
Raise high the flag, He will strengthen thy hand. [Refrain]
4 Close to the cross let the flag ever wave,
Beckoning all to the mighty to save;
Soon will the conflict and watching be o’er;
Palms for the flag we will bear evermore. [Refrain]
Source: Boundless Love: for Sunday Schools and Gospel Meetings #99