1 Stone on stone we’re building, working day by day,
As the sunny moments swiftly pass away,
While the light is shining, while the sun is high,
Ere the evening shadows darken youth’s bright sky.
Stone on stone we’re building, whether wrong or right,
Character we’re forming, in these days so glad and bright,
Ev’ry stone we’re using, is our heart’s own choosing,
May each one be pleasing in our Father’s sight.
2 Stone on stone we’re building, while the moments fly,
Not an instant wasted as the time goes by,
Ev’ry deed and action, ev’ry word and thought,
Into form unchanging, in our lives is wrought. [Refrain]
3 Stone on stone we’re building—careful we must be,
Lest some shameful error in the work we see,
Lest some type of evil, basely creeping in,
Weakens our defenses, opens them to sin. [Refrain]
Source: The Excelsior Hymnal #139