1 Telling the story of Jesus,
Bright with redemption’s ray;
Showing the power of salvation,
Living it day by day.
Telling the story
Of infinite glory,
Singing it, singing it out as we go;
The message so golden
Should ne’er be withholden,
Till all the wide world his salvation shall know.
2 Telling the story of Jesus,
Asking his help in prayer;
Giving the hope of the gospel,
Taking it ev’rywhere. [Refrain]
3 Telling the story of Jesus,
Story of life and love,
Singing it ever with gladness,
Learning the song above. [Refrain]
4 Telling the story of Jesus,
Story of boundless grace;
Yes, we will sing it in rapture,
Standing before his face. [Refrain]
Source: Showers of Blessing #91