1 The angel ranks that gird the throne
Of Majesty, stand not alone;
To mortals, disenthrall'd, 'tis given
To join the choral hymn of heaven.
Hark! even now a richer strain
Comes floating o'er th' eternal plain;
To infant choirs those harps belong,
And children's voices swell that song.
2 Gabriel ne'er touch'd a sweeter string--
His legions listen, as they sing;
O whence those cherub ministrels, say--
Clad in Immanuel's bright array?
In scenes where thoughtless worldlings dwell
Their lot was cast, whose lyres now swell
The thrilling melody above;
Thine be the praise, O God of love!
3 The Sunday School! Earth has no name
Worthier to fill the breath of Fame;
The untold blessings it hath shed
Shall be revealed when worlds have fled,
O Thou of Bethlem, once a child,
Jesus! compassionate and mild--
Approve thy work: be this the sum
Of all our toil--"Thy Kingdom Come!"
Source: The Silver Chime: a cluster of Sabbath school melodies, tunes, sentences, chants, etc., for the use of children and teachers in their school exercises, devotions, and recreations, to which is added... #12