1 The flowers that bloom, and the song birds that fly
Are but tokens of love from the Ruler on high;
Ev'rything on the land, in the air and the sea,
He's the Maker of all, gentle Shepherd is He.
The Lord is my Shepherd, and I shall not want,
Leading by the still waters, He restoreth my soul
As I travel life's pathway, as one of His fold,
His love is more precious than silver and gold.
The Lord is my Shepherd, and I shall not want.
He leads me by the still waters; he restoreth my soul.
As I travel life's pathway as one of His fold,
His love is more precious than silver and gold.
2 Like a sheep from the fold, I had wandered away,
On the mountains of sin filled with fear night and day,
then I heard His sweet voice gently calling to me;
I have made Him my hope, and He set my soul free. [Refrain]
Source: Melodies of Love #20