1 The God of the ages your refuge,
No matter how mighty the foe;
Tho' dangers and evils surround you
And threaten wherever you go;
His truth is your shield and your weapon,
A shadow upon your right hand,
A rock of eternal reliance,
Tho' desert and dreary the land.
2 No matter how deeply you've fallen,
Beneath are His powerful arms,
And sin cannot hold nor enslave you,
No matter how potent its charms;
His grace and His mercy uphold you
On wings of His power and might,
Thro' storms and thro' darkness they bear you
To mansions of heavenly light.
3 Then trust in your heavenly Father,
In Jesus, your Savior and Lord,
Whose promise of marvelous blessings
Is found in His merciful Word,
Until, by the grace of the Spirit,
We come to the end of life's way
And feast on the joys of salvation,
The bliss of the heavenly day.
Source: American Lutheran Hymnal #543