1 The peace of God my glad heart thrills,
Its hallowed calm my bosom fills;
For whatsoe’er my Father wills,
I sing His will be done.
His will not mine be done,
His will not mine be done;
For whatsoe’er my Father wills,
I sing His will be done.
2 I’ve found the source divine, of rest,
And here am I supremely blest;
I know His way is ever best,
And sing His will be done. [Refrain]
3 When shadows gather in my sky,
When unknown paths before me lie;
While He to help is ever nigh,
I sing His will be done. [Refrain]
4 In joy or sorrow, weal or woe,
No doubt or fear my heart shall know;
Where He doth lead I’ll gladly go,
And sing His will be done. [Refrain]
Source: Hymns We Love, for Sunday Schools and All Devotional Meetings #91