1 The precious promise by Jesus giv'n,
Cheers me ev'ry day,
That rest is waiting for me in heav'n,
Cheers me ev'ry day;
On the sea and on the shore,
Storms may beat or winds may roar,
That my Saviour leads the way,
Cheers me ev'ry day.
Ev'ry day, Ev'ry day,
Cheers me ev'ry day.
Ev'ry day, Ev'ry day,
Cheers me ev'ry day.
2 The tho't that Jesus is ever near,
Cheers me ev'ry day,
Sustains me when all is dark and drear,
Cheers me ev'ry day:
All His tender love for me,
Comes thro' mercy full and free,
He, my comfort and my stay,
Cheers me ev'ry day. [Refrain]
3 The grace I find in His words of life,
Cheers me ev'ry day,
The peace He brings to this world of strife
Cheers me ev'ry day;
I will love Him more and more,
Till this fleeting life is o'er,
For He is my life and way,
Cheers me ev'ry day. [Refrain]
Source: Light and Life: a collection of new hymns and tunes for sunday schools, prayer meetings, praise meetings and revival meetings #9