1 The soul that's fill'd with virtue's light,
Shines brightest in affliction's night:
To pity the distress'd inclin'd,
As well as just to all mankind.
2 His lib'ral favours he extends,
To some he gives, to others lends;
Yet, what his charity impairs,
He saves by prudence in affairs.
3 His house, the seat of wealth, shall be
An inexhausted treasury;
His goodness, free from all decay,
Shall blessings to his heirs convey.
4 His hands, while they his alms bestow'd,
His glory's future harvest sow'd!
Whence he shall reap joy, peace, renown,
A temp'ral and eternal crown.
Source: A Selection of Psalms with occasional hymns (Charleston hymnal) #H.XXVI