1 The twilight was falling, the daybeams had flown,
While shepherds were tending their flocks all alone,
When suddenly round them the glory of God
Shown forth o’er an angle, the blest of the Lord.
Then hear ye the message,
Then hear ye the message,
Then hear ye the message,
A Savior is born.
In Bethlehem’s manger,
In Bethlehem’s manger,
In Bethlehem’s manger,
A Savior is born.
2 Then spake forth the angel in tones of pure love
And told of Christ Jesus who came from above
The babe in the manger, in Bethlehem’s stall
The Savior of man, and a King over all. [Chorus]
3 A host of bright angels then herald the strain
“Of peace and goodwill to the children of men”
Till down thro’ the ages, ‘tis ringing tonight,
That chorus so sweet of the King in His might. [Chorus]
Source: Gold Tried in the Fire: suitable for church, Sunday school, revival meetings, missionary and rescue work #86