1 The world is full of voices
That sing our Father's praise.
Each flower and leaf rejoices
Through all the nights and days.
The morning light so tender,
The clouds with one accord,
and evening's starry splendor,
They bless and praise the Lord.
2 His praise the birds are singing,
With notes of thankful love;
Their joyful tribute bringing,
From every field and grove.
The rivers chant his praises,
The great mysterious sea
Its mighty song upraises,
In anthem wild and free.
3 Then let us join the chorus,
His praise may children sing;
His watchful love is o'er us,
Awake or slumbering.
He guards and guides us ever,
He gives us daily food;
Oh, may we never, never,
Forget that God is good.
Source: Bible Study Songs: for junior societies, junior and primary Sunday schools #150a