1 There's a beautiful story the Scriptures tell,
Of Jesus our Lord, as he sat on the well,
In the city of Sychar, and taught his sweet law
To a woman who came there the water to draw.
She knew not the stranger, nor even could think
'Twas Jesus, who said to her "Give me to drink;"
But quickly she learned it was Christ--it was He
who gives of the water of life so free.
The water of life, so sweet, so free;
In flowing for all, for you, for me;
And Christ is the giver, the Scriptures tell,
Our Lord who sat on Jacob's well.
2 Oh, sweet were the waters which came from the well,
Where the Saviour sat down, as the Scriptures tell,
But sweeter and dearer and purer are they
Which flow from the wells of salvation today;
For Jesus declared, as he sat on the brink
Of the well of Samaria, "Whoever shall drink
Of the water that I for the world have in store,
A well have in him, and thirst never more." [Chorus]
3 Of Jesus, our Master, who sat on the well,
And taught this poor woman, thy story we'll tell
To all who will listen, how free Thou dost give
Salvation's bright waters to all who will live.
And grant that, like her's, our petition may be--
"Lord, give us this water, so sweet, and so free,"
That wells of salvation may in us be found,
To spring up to life, and ever abound. [Chorus]
Source: The Little Sower for Sabbath Schools #56