1 There’s a light that is shining, my brother, for you,
Aglow in the mansions divine;
It was lit by the hand of the Master of Life,
It shines on your pathway and mine.
There’s a light, blessed light,
That shines from the mansions divine;
It was lit by the hand of the Master of Life,
It shines on your pathway and mine.
2 There’s a light that is shining, my brother, for you,
When doubts on your spirit arise;
O call on the Name that is mighty to save,
And light will descend from the skies. [Refrain]
3 There’s a light that is shining, my brother, for you,
Tho’ dark be your path as the night;
Look away to the beautiful city of God,
Where Jesus himself is the light. [Refrain]
Source: The Chorus of Praise: for use in Sunday Schools, Young People's Meetings, Revivals, Prayer Meetings, and All the Social Services of the Church #64