1 Tho’ the world may see no beauty
In the lowly Nazarene,
Yet to me His face is lovely,
None like Him hath mortal seen.
Yes, His face to me is lovely,
Beaming bright with love divine;
Of His love I’m all unworthy,
Yet this precious Friend is mine.
2 Some esteem the Saviour lightly,
Others scorn His holy name,
I adore the King of Glory,
Who hath borne my sin and shame. [Chorus]
3 How could I but love Him fondly,
Who such love to me has shown?
Earth to me has seem’d far brighter
Since this precious Friend I’ve known. [Chorus]
4 Tho’ His face was marked with sadness,
While He walked this vale below,
Yet His smile bro’t joy and gladness
Unto hearts once filled with woe. [Chorus]
Source: Melodies of Salvation: a collection of psalms, hymns and spiritual songs #245