1 Through Jesus' blood and merit
I am at peace with God.
What, then, can daunt my spirit,
However dark my road?
My courage shall not fail me,
For God is on my side;
Though hell itself assail me,
Its rage I may deride.
2 There's nothing that can sever
From this great love of God;
No want, no pain whatever,
No famine, peril, flood.
Though thousand foes surround me,
For slaughter mark His sheep,
They never shall confound me,
The vict'ry I shall reap.
3 For neither life's temptation
Nor death's most trying hour
Nor angels of high station
Nor any other pow'r
Nor things that now are present
Nor things that are to come
Nor height, however pleasant,
Nor darkest depths of gloom
4 Nor any creature ever
Shall from the love of God
This ransomed sinner sever;
For in my Savior's blood
This love has its foundation;
God hears my faithful prayer
And long before creation
Named me His child and heir.
Source: Lutheran Service Book #746