1 To-day God is telling a wonderful story,
The truest, the grandest that ever was told;
The fullest disclosure of grace and of glory,
Kept hidden from all the prophets of old.
To-day we're telling the story,
Wonderful, wonderful story,
To-day we're telling the story,
The wonderful story of love.
2 He brings the assurance of present salvation,
Eternal as God's own immutable throne,
Deliv'rance forever from all condemnation,
A standing in Christ, the place of a son. [Chorus]
3 This, then, is the day when with love far exceeding,
With all that he has, God would lost ones endow,
The acceptable time, e'en the time of his pleading,
The day of salvation, God's wonderful now. [Chorus]
Source: Living Hymns: for use in the Sabbath School, Christian Endeavor Meetings, the church & home #55