To-day the groans of Hades rise,—
‘Ah, better far for me
The Son of Man had never died
Upon the cursèd tree!
For by His power the fettered souls
I held in darkest night,
Are carried through the sundered gates
Into the realm of light.’
Let glory now the Cross adorn,
Hail, hail the Resurrection morn!
To-day the groans of Hades rise,—
‘My might is overthrown;
I took One dead, from ’mong the dead,
And claimed Him for mine own;
But He hath crushed my ancient power;
And those I held in thrall
Have thrown aside the chains they wore,
And He hath rescued all.’
Let glory now the Cross adorn,
Hail, hail the Resurrection morn!
To-day the groans of Hades rise,—
‘My power is gone from me;
The Shepherd died upon the Cross,
And Adam’s sons are free;
The bars are taken from the tomb,
Death can no more appal;
For He who gave Himself to death,
By death hath rescued all.’
Let glory now the Cross adorn,
Hail, hail the Resurrection morn!
Hymns of the Greek Church, 1900