True Shepherd, who in love most deep
Did watch and suffer for Thy sheep,
And didst appoint Thy saints of old
To Teach and rule and serve Thy fold;
We thank Thee for that gracious care,
And pray that now and everywhere
Thy servants call'd to preach Thy Word
Be faithful shepherds, like their Lord.
Yea, all who own Thee for their Head,
Oh let them in Thy footsteps tread,
Owning and loving more Thy cross
Through persecution, shame, or loss.
No better trophy hath this day
Than hearts new-kindled to obey
The call, for Thee that bids them live,
And gladly yield all earth can give.
Nor for ourselves we pray alone,
In Thee Thy Church is ever one.
Unite us here in faith and love
Until we worship Thee above.
Source: Chorale Book for England, The #79