Vem, Salvador, Agora, Transformar

Author: William Hiram Foulkes

Born: June 26, 1877, Quin­cy, Mi­chi­gan. Died: De­cem­ber 9, 1961, Smith­town, New York. Buried: Smith­town, New York. Foulkes grad­uat­ed from the Coll­ege of Em­por­ia, Kan­sas, in 1897 and went on to the Mc­Cor­mick The­o­log­ic­al Sem­in­ary, Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois; he re­ceived the Ber­na­dine Orme Smith Fel­low­ship, and stu­died for a year at New Coll­ege in Ed­in­burgh, Scot­land. He lat­er pas­tored at Pres­by­ter­i­an church­es in El­mi­ra, Il­li­nois; Port­land, Or­e­gon; New York Ci­ty; Cleve­land, Ohio; and New­ark, New Jer­sey. He served as Gen­er­al Sec­re­tary of the Board of Min­is­ter­i­al Re­lief and Sus­ten­ta­tion (1913-18), as chair­man of the New E… Go to person page >

Translator: João Wilson Faustini

b. 1931, Bariri, São Paulo, Brazil. Presbyterian pastor, choir director, organist, singer, composer, translator, arranger and publisher of largest collection of Sacred Music in the Portuguese language. From 1982 to 1996 - Pastor at St. Paul's Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) Newark, NJ St. Paul's Presbyterian Church in Newark is the oldest Brazilian Presbyterian Church in the USA. Retired on December 31, 1996. After Rev. Faustini was a Minister of Music at Second Presbyterian Church of Elizabeth. Go to person page >

Text Information

First Line: Vem, Salvador, agora, transformar
Title: Vem, Salvador, Agora, Transformar
English Title: Take Thou Our Minds, Dear Lord
Author: William Hiram Foulkes (1918)
Translator: João Wilson Faustini (1969)
Language: Portuguese
Publication Date: 1991
Copyright: Copyright translation 1969 João W. Faustini. Used by permission.


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Hinário para o Culto Cristão #370

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