1 Was there anything that Jesus left undone, left undone,
When He came to earth to save us ev’ry one, ev’ry one?
Oh, no, no, no, there was nothing left undone.
Oh, no, no, no, there was nothing left undone.
2 Hear Him in the garden, saying, “Not My will, no My will.”
Oh! it was an awful mission to fulfill, to fulfill. [Refrain]
3 See Him now betrayed by Judas to His foes, to His foes.
All the terror that awaits Him, well He knows, well He knows. [Refrain]
4 See the crown upon His forehead, thorny crown, thorny crown,
How the tender flesh it pierces, pressing down, pressing down. [Refrain]
5 See Him on the cross suspended, agony, agony.
It was all that He might rescue such as we, such as we. [Refrain]
Source: Evangelistic Songs #100