1 When sailing o’er time’s restless sea,
Beneath a clouded sky;
How sweet the whisper comes to me,
A Saviour ever nigh.
Breezes from the heav’nly land,
They sweep across the sea;
They waft the music on the strand,
The song of hope to me.
O, waiting souls, rejoice,
We’re near the holy strand,
List! ‘tis the Saviour’s voice,
The welcome breeze from land.
2 Loud raves the voice of angry gales,
But while the breakers foam,
A soft wind fans the spreading sails,
The pleasant breeze from home.
Breezes from the heav’nly land,
They sweep the billows o’er,
The voices of a loving band
Are wafted from the shore. [Chorus]
3 Then let the frowning clouds grow dark,
The tempest wildly rave;
A strong hand guides the laden bark
Across the stormy wave.
Breezes from the heav’nly land,
They murmur o’er the wave,
The welcome of an outstretched hand,
A heart that bled to save. [Chorus]
Source: Gospel Praise Book.: a collection of choice gems of sacred song suitable for church service, gospel praise meetings, and family devotions. (Complete ed.) #78