1 With marvelous patience
Has Jesus been standing,
Again and again at
The door of thy heart;
He will not be always
Thus scorned and rejected,
But, wearied and grieved, may
Forever depart.
There’ll come a last time,
A last time, friend;
Thy season of grace will be o’er;
There’ll come a last time,
There’ll come a last time,
And mercy will knock no more.
2 The Savior who died on
The cross to redeem thee,
As thy intercessor
Imploringly stands;
Thy case with the Father
He evermore pleadeth,
And points to the prints of
The nails in His hands.
There’ll come a last time,
A last time, friend;
Thy season of grace will be o’er;
There’ll come a last time,
There’ll come a last time,
And Jesus will plead no more.
3 To higher attainments
The Spirit is calling,
And bids thee in fullness
Of blessing rejoice;
The years have gone by with
His calling unheeded,
And fainter and fainter
Now groweth His voice.
There’ll come a last time,
A last time, friend;
Thy season of grace will be o’er;
There’ll come a last time,
There’ll come a last time,
The Spirit will call no more.
4 Be warned of thy danger,
Accept of God’s mercy,
Lest, kindled against thee,
His anger should burn,
Lest justice prevail and
Thy season be over;
Then vain all thy efforts
To Christ to return.
There’ll come a last time,
A last time, friend;
Thy season of grace will be o’er;
There’ll come a last time,
There’ll come a last time,
Thy soul shall be lost evermore
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #13749