1 Would you be a sunbeam fill’d with heaven’s light,
Shedding forth its beauty over scenes of night?
In this world of sorrow, sickness, sin, and woe,
Try to be a blessing ev’rywhere you go.
Be a blessing on life's weary mile,
Be a blessing with a word or smile;
Be a blessing ev'rywhere the same,
Try to be a blessing in the Master's name.
2 Where the tears are falling and the hearts are sad,
Take some gospel message that will make them glad;
Strive to give them comfort by some loving deed,
Try to be a blessing in the time of need. [Chorus]
3 Just a cup of water for the Master’s sake,
May sweet chords of music in some bosom wake;
Seek to help some pilgrim t’ward the golden land,
Try to be a blessing, both with voice and hand. [Chorus]
4 Would you be a sunbeam fill'ed with heaven's light,
Shedding forth its beauty over scenes of night?
In this world of sorrow, sickness, sin and woe,
Try to be a blessing ev'rywhere you go. [Chorus]
Source: The New Wonderful Songs for Work and Worship #13