1 Ye foll'wers of the Prince of peace,
Who round his table draw!
Remember what his spirit was,
What his peculiar law.
2 The love, which all his bosom fill'd,
Did all his actions guide:
Inspir'd by love, he liv'd and taught;
Inspir'd by love, he died.
3 And do you love him? do you feel
Your warm affections move?
This is the proof which he demands,
That you each other love.
4 Let each the sacred law fulfil,
Like his be ev'ry mind;
Be ev'ry temper form'd by love,
And ev'ry action kind.
5 Let none, who call themselves his friends,
Disgrace the honor'd name;
But by a near resemblance prove
The title which they claim.
Source: A Collection of Hymns and Prayers, for Public and Private Worship #225