1 Ye Realms of Joy, your Maker's Fame,
Exalt above the starry Frame;
Ye Cherubims, your Voices raise,
And Seraphims, to sing his Praise.
Thou Silver Moon, that rul'st the Night,
With all the glitt'ring Stars of Light,
Thou glorious Sun that guid'st the Day,
To him your grateful Homage pay.
2 Ye Heav'ns above, his Praise declare,
And Clouds that move in liquid Air,
Let all adore their sov'reign LORD,
For all, at his creative Word,
At once from silent Nothing came;
Oh, let them bless his holy name,
Whose firm Decree stands ever fast,
And to Eternity shall last.
3 Let Earth her grateful Tribute pay:
Praise him, ye Fish that through the Sea
Glide swiftly by, with glitt'ring Scales;
Oh, praise him all, ye dreadful Whales,
Let misty Air, Fire, Hail and Snow,
And Winds that, where he bids them, blow,
To him their constant Praise address,
And his great Name for ever bless.
4 By lofty Hills, in concert join'd,
Cedars and Trees, for Fruit design'd,
By ev'ry creeping Thing and Beast,
And winged Fowl, GOD's Name be bless'd.
Let Men of low or royal Birth,
Let all the Judges of the Earth,
Let Youth and Maids his Praise proclaim,
And hoary Heads advance his Fame.
5 United Zeal by us be shown,
To raise his endless Fame alone,
Whose Pow'r o'er all the Earth extends,
Whose glorious Sway the Sky transcends,
His Saints he doth with Honour grace,
And ever favour Israel's Race;
Your grateful Voice, O, therefore raise,
Rejoicing still the LORD to praise.
Source: The Psalms of David: with the Ten Commandments, Creed, Lord's Prayer, &c. in metre...for the use of the Reformed Protestant Dutch church of the city of New York #CXLVIII