DIE TUGEND WIRD is derived from the more ornamented version found in Johann Freylinghausen's (PHH 34) Geistreiches Gesangbuch (1704), where it was used as a setting for "Die Tugend wird am Kreus geubet." The tune is a rounded bar form (AABA) with harmony suited to part singing. Congregational singing will benefit from firm organ support.
Johanna Wagenaar (b. Utrecht, the Netherlands, 1900) prepared the isorhythmic (all equal rhythms) setting for the choral edition of Psalmen en Gezangen of the Dutch Hervormde Kerk (1938).
Wagenaar first studied music (mainly theory and church music) with her father, who was organist at the Domkerk in Utrecht, the Netherlands. After completing formal studies in Utrecht, she continued music studies in Berlin. Wagenaar returned to the Netherlands, where she taught harmony, counterpoint, and piano at the Koninklijk Conservatorium of Music in The Hague. Composing new tunes and supplying harmonizations for existing tunes, she was active on hymnal commissions for the Hervormde Kerk and the Nederlandse Protestanten Bond.
--Psalter Hymnal Handbook