Facing a Task

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I am working on a hymnal project, and it includes the Gettys' version of “Facing a task unfinished.” The music is AURELIA, but the refrain is new. Trying to decide if I should call the tune “AURELIA with refrain” or maybe “AURELIA / FACING A TASK.” I can see the merits of either. This version has not yet been indexed in Hymnary. For “Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)” in LUYH, the whole tune is called MY CHAINS ARE GONE even though the stanzas are derivative of NEW BRITAIN. Ideas?


We would most likely index the tune with AURELIA despite how it is named in the hymnal (assuming the verse comes before the chorus). We've indexed “My Chains Are Gone” as a separate tune so people can find the hymn, since it is a chorus tacked on to “Amazing Grace;" and it is a contemporary song that has been in the CCLI Top 30 songs for 8 out of 9 of the last years. We've made an exception for this one, since tacked on choruses typically do not merit a separate record. 

People would be able to find “Facing a task unfinished” easily by title or first line and the tune of the verse is familiar.