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#Title in Hymns of the Spirit for Use in the Free Churches of America#Title in Hymns for the Celebration of LifeTotal appearances in hymnals
1Praise to the living God! All praiséd be his Named196Praise to the living God All praised be his name65
2Praise the Lord; ye heav'ns adore him759
3Holy Spirit, source of gladness, Come with all thy radiance bright30
4Praise the Lord of heaven, praise him in the height55
5Ye holy angels bright114
6O worship the King, all glorious aboved177O worship the King, all glorious above1151
7Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creationd197Praise to [ye] [we] the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation390
8Bring, O morn, thy musicd28Bring, O morn, thy music36
9Our God, our God, thou shinest hered188Our God, our God, thou shinest here59
10Come, thou almighty King, Help us thy name to singd35Come, thou almighty King, Help us thy name to sing1799
11Our Father, unto thee, We now on bended knee6
12We lift our hearts in thanks today5
13Rejoice, ye pure in heart429
14Unto thy temple, Lord, we comed257Unto thy temple, Lord, we come30
15O thou to whom in ancient time123
16Lord of all being, throned afard120Lord of all being, throned afar432
17Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Earlyd84Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Early1656
18Father, thou art calling5
19How lovely are thy dwelling fairs, O Lord of hosts, how dear58
20As pants the hart for cooling streams323
21Great God, the followers of thy Son46
22In this peaceful house of prayer14
23aGod is in his holy temple, earthly thoughts32
23bGod is in his holy temple, earthly thoughts32
24Peace be to this congregation59
25aSov'reign and transforming Graced217Sovereign and transforming grace43
25b(Sov'reign and transforming Grace)d217Sovereign and transforming grace43
26O Source divine, and Life of all78
27Where ancient forests widely spread26
28God of the earth, the sky, the sead69God of the earth, the sky, the sea109
29He hides within the lily31
30Immortal, invisible, God only wised94Immortal, invisible, God only wise212
31Thou art, O God, the life and light175
32For the beauty of the earthd50For the beauty of the earth640
33The spacious firmament on highd236The spacious firmament on high790
34Heaven and earth, and sea, and aird79Heaven and earth, and sea, and air9
35Let the whole creation cryd109Let the whole creation cry82
36O God, whose smile is in the sky20
37Thou rulest, Lord, the lights on high4
38The harp at nature's advent strungd227The harp at nature's advent strung48
39There is a book who runs may read184
40Seek not afar for beautyd210Seek not afar for beauty15
41Father, thy wonders do not singly stand28
42Joyful, joyful, we adore theed103Joyful, joyful, we adore thee269
43O God, our dwelling place4
44Thou, earth, art ours, and ours to keepd245Thou, earth, art ours, and ours to keep4
45Morning, so fair to seed132Morning, so fair to see5
46Lord of all majesty and mightd121Lord of all majesty and might7
47Come, thou almighty will10
48aSpirit of God descend upon my heart341
48bSpirit of God descend upon my heart341
49Come, mighty Spirit, penetrate This heart and soul of mine27
50aLove divine, all loves excelling1870
50bLove divine, all loves excelling1870
51O love divine, of all that is20
52O Thou whose Spirit witness bearsd176O Thou whose Spirit witness bears12
53Life of all that lives below Let thy spirit in us flow12
54aFrom heart to heart, from creed to creedd55From heart to heart, from creed to creed8
54bFrom heart to heart, from creed to creedd55From heart to heart, from creed to creed8
55aSpirit divine, attend our prayer394
55bSpirit divine, attend our prayer394
56aO love divine, whose constant beam36
56bO love divine, whose constant beam36
57Spirit of truth, who makest bright6
58aGo not, my soul, in search of himd61Go not, my soul, in search of him32
58bGo not, my soul, in search of himd61Go not, my soul, in search of him32
59Breathe on me breath of God343
60O God, whose presence glows in all Within, around us, and above90
61Creator Spirit, by whose aid185
62Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wings807
63Mysterious presence, source of allld135Mysterious presence, source of all28
64Thou One in all, thou All in one7
65Thou whose spirit dwells in all8
66Day by day the manna fell160
67O thou whose power o'er moving worlds presidesd175O thou whose power o'er moving worlds presides79
68Holy Spirit, light divine, Shine upon this heart of mine783
69O God, O Spirit, Light of all that live16
70Lead us, O Father, in the paths of peace155
71Where is your God they sayd284Where is your God they say10
72I cannot find thee, still on restless pinion25
73The Lord is in his holy place, in all things near and far20
74Behold a sower from afar, He goeth forth with mightd22Behold a sower from afar, He goeth forth with might30
75Light of ages and of nationsd116Light of ages and of nations15
76It sounds along the agesd101It sounds along the ages6
77aOne thought I have, my ample creedd185One thought I have, my ample creed38
77bOne thought I have, my ample creedd185One thought I have, my ample creed38
78Who fathoms the eternal thought17
79aFather and Friend, thy light, thy love65
79bFather and Friend, thy light, thy love65
80Immortal Love, forever fulld95Immortal Love, forever full306
81Thou Life within my life, than self more near34
82Thou hidden love of God, whose height265
83aGod is love; his mercy brightens732
83bGod is love; his mercy brightens732
84O love of God, how strong and true110
85Father, hear the prayer we offer238
86In thee, our Father, are we all at home3
87aThe King of love my shepherd is679
87bThe King of love my shepherd is679
88aCome, my soul, thou must be waking235
88bCome, my soul, thou must be waking235
89Lord God of morning and of night78
90The morning hangs its signal1The morning hangs its signal12
91aO God, I thank thee for each sight56
91bO God, I thank thee for each sight56
92aWhen morning gilds the skies702
92bWhen morning gilds the skies702
93Awake, my soul, and with the sund18Awake, my soul, and with the sun891
94We praise thee, Lord, with earliest morning ray63
95Father, the watches of the night are o'er8
96High o'er the lonely hillsd83High o'er the lonely hills8
97Morning has broken, Like the first morningd131Morning has broken, Like the first morning95
98aNew every morning is the love362
98bNew every morning is the love362
99Out of the dark, the circling sphered189Out of the dark, the circling sphere18
100God that madest earth and heaven475
101Now, when the dusky shades of night retreating96
102aNow with creation's morning song36
102bNow with creation's morning song36
103Awake, our souls, away our fears404
104Still, still with thee, when purple morning breaketh349
105The morning walks upon the earth11
106aHe who himself and God would know11
106bHe who himself and God would know11
107Behold us, Lord, a little space120
108'Tis gone, that bright and orbed blaze39
109Hath not thy heart within thee burned46
110All praise to thee, my God, this nightd13All praise to thee, my God, this night1049
111Now on land and sea descendingd148Now on land and sea descending119
112The duteous day now closeth44
113Softly now the light of day880
114Slowly, by thy hand unfurled72
115Unheard the dews around me fall24
116Now God be with us, for the night is closing192
117Father Almighty, bless us with thy blessing55
118aNow the wings of day are furled14
118bNow the wings of day are furled14
119Again, as evening's shadow fallsd6Again, as evening's shadow falls162
120The day thou gavest, Lord is ended288
121Now while the day in trailing spleandord152Now while the day in trailing spleandor7
122aThe shadows of the evening hours236
122bThe shadows of the evening hours236
123When the gladsome day declinethd279When the gladsome day declineth7
124aThe day is past and over304
124bThe day is past and over304
125When shadows gather on our way15
126Father, again to thy dear name we raise853
127Abide with me, fast falls the eventided5Abide with me, fast falls the eventide1684
128aNow the day is over, Night is drawing nigh955
128bNow the day is over, Night is drawing nigh955
129By law from Sinai's clouded steep9
130O day of rest and gladness814
131All beautiful the march of daysd8All beautiful the march of days86
132Another year of setting suns34
133'Tis winter now : the fallen snowd249'Tis winter now, the fallen [gleaming] snow64
134The glory of the spring, how sweet76
135Spring has now unwrapped the flowersd218Spring has now unwrapped the flowers25
136I walk amidst thy beauty forthd92I walk amidst thy beauty forth4
137Once more the liberal year laughs outd182Once more the liberal year laughs out32
138The summer days are come againd237The sweet June days are [have] come again73
139Summer suns are glowing240
140Praise to God and thanks we bringd195Praise to God and thanks we bring40
141Come, ye thankful people, comed36Come, ye [you] thankful people, come731
142We plow the fields, and scatter457
143Praise to God, immortal praise605
144aAnother year is dawning!179
144bAnother year is dawning!179
145O God, our help in ages pastd167O [Our] God, our help in ages [seasons] past1247
146All hail the pageant of the yearsd10All hail the pageant of the years6
147Hail we now this happy morn2
148O God, the Rock of ages201
149Ring out, wild bells, to the wild skyd204Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky97
150O come, O come, Emmanuel, And ransomd156O come, O come, Emmanuel [Immanuel], And ransom511
151Hail to the Lord's anointedd75Hail to the Lord's anointed847
152Veiled in darkness Judah layd258Veiled in darkness Judah lay9
153As with gladness men of old641
154Watchman, tell us of the nightd259Watchman, tell us of the night866
155aWhile shepherds watched their flocks by nightd286While shepherds watch [watched] their flocks by night1106
155bWhile shepherds watched their flocks by nightd286While shepherds watch [watched] their flocks by night1106
156O come, all ye faithful, Joyful and triumphantd155O come, all ye faithful, Joyful and triumphant742
157Today be joy in every heart7
158Little children, wake and listen!15
159aCalm on the listening ear of night350
159bCalm on the listening ear of night350
160What means this glory round our feet24
161I heard the bells on Christmas day116
162It came upon the [a] midnight cleard100It came upon the [a] midnight clear878
163Joy to the world, the Lord is [has] comed102Joy to the world, the Lord is [has] come1869
164Glory be to God on high, Let the whole creation cry15
165O little town of Bethlehem, How still we seed165O little town of Bethlehem, How still we see853
166Silent night, peaceful night, all things sleep19
167Silent night! holy night! All is clear, all is bright1
168Ye shepherd plains of Bethlehemd294Ye shepherd plains of Bethlehem3
169Ring, O ring, ye Christmas bells2
170Hark, the herald angels sing, glory to the newborn King1336
171O Thou in lonely vigil led6
172Thank we now the Lord of heavend219Thank we now the Lord of heaven4
173In the lonely midnight, on the wintry hilld98In the lonely midnight, on the wintry hill26
174The first Noel, the angel did sayd225The first Noel, the angel did say406
175Angels we have heard on highd16Angels we have heard on high250
176We three kings of [from] Orient ared272We three kings of [from] Orient are316
177Good Christian men [friends], rejoice, with heart and soul220
178Heir of all the waiting agesd81Heir of all the waiting ages4
179Lift up your heads, ye mighty gatesd114Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates274
180All hail the power of Jesus' name, Let angels prostrate fall3448
181From Bethany, the Master comes down4
182aRide on, ride on in majesty506
182bRide on, ride on in majesty506
183O bold, O foolish peasants3
184A voice upon the midnight air44
185‘It is finished!’ Man of sorrows!21
186Thy way is in the deep, O Lord29
187Beneath the shadow of the crossd25Beneath the shadow of the cross80
188aO Love divine, that stoop'd to share274
188bO Love divine, that stoop'd to share274
189When my Love to God grows weakd277When my Love to Christ [God] grows weak83
190aIn the cross of Christ I glory1520
190bIn the cross of Christ I glory1520
191O sacred head, now woundedd169O Sacred Head now [once] [sore] wounded [surrounded]728
192Christ the Lord is ris'n today1185
193Thou whose love didst give us birth2
194Past are the cross, the scourge, the thornd190Past are the cross, the scourge, the thorn9
195O Lord of life, where'er they be, Safe in thine own eternity32
196O day of light and gladness, of prophecy and songd157O day of light and gladness, of prophecy and song17
197The light along the ages16
198All creatures of our God and Kingd9All creatures of our God and King267
199Lo, the day of days is here7
200Lo the earth is risend119Lo the earth awakes again32
201Lo the eastertide is here2
202aI cannot think of them as deadd89I cannot think of them as dead33
202bI cannot think of them as deadd89I cannot think of them as dead33
203Immortal by their deed and word15
204aStrong Son of God, immortal Love139
204bStrong Son of God, immortal Love139
205Jesus, the very [only] thought of Thee [You]1031
206O love, O Life, our faith and sight51
207When the Lord of love was here80
208aO Master, let me walk with thee [you]577
208bO Master, let me walk with thee [you]577
208cO Master, let me walk with thee [you]577
209O thou great Friend to all the sons of mend172O thou great Friend to all the sons of men113
210A voice by Jordan's shore21
211Not long on Hermon's holy height9
212Thou sayest, Take up thy cross41
213He who would valiant bed289Who would true valor see151
214O Master workman of the [our] race108
215Not always on the mount may we Rapt in the heavenly vision bed141Not always on the mount may we Rapt in the heavenly vision be40
216Onward, onward, though the region112
217Not only where God's free winds blow1
218Where cross the crowded ways of lifed282Where cross the crowded ways of life372
219All my hope on God is foundedd11All my hope on God is founded70
220Love of love, and Light of light7
221Thirsting for a living spring32
222What has drawn us thus apart5
223Let my life be hid in thee26
224aThou grace divine, encircling all73
224bThou grace divine, encircling all73
225When all thy mercies, O my God1002
226Lift up your hearts, We lift them, Lord, to thee69
227Father, to thee we look in all our sorrow63
228When winds are raging o'er the upper ocean73
229Father, in thy mysterious presence kneeling125
230Touch thou mine eyes2
231Father, to us, thy children, humbly kneeling63
232I hear thy voice, within the silence speaking9
233When the world around us throws10
234aPrayer is the soul's sincere desired199Prayer is the soul's [heart's] [saint's] sincere desire850
234bPrayer is the soul's sincere desired199Prayer is the soul's [heart's] [saint's] sincere desire850
235aOur Father, while our hearts unlearn22
235bOur Father, while our hearts unlearn22
236aOne prayer I have, all prayers in one108
236bOne prayer I have, all prayers in one108
237O yet we trust that somehow good12
238When courage fails, and faith burns lowd276When courage fails, and faith burns low20
239Lead, kindly Light, amid the encircling gloom1234
240He leads us by paths we did [do] not know41
241aO Thou, in all thy might so far88
241bO Thou, in all thy might so far88
242O name, all other names above, What art thou not to me? Now I have learned to trust thy love14
243aO Love that wilt not let me go684
243bO Love that wilt not let me go684
244God moves in a mysterious wayd65God moves in a mysterious way1132
245Nearer, my God, to thee, nearer to theed137Nearer, my God, to thee, nearer to thee2500
246O star of truth, down shiningd171O star of truth, down shining23
247Give to the winds thy fears518
248Sow in the morn thy seed, At eve405
249In heavenly love abiding572
250Dear Lord and Father of mankind, Forgive our foolish waysd40Dear Lord and Father [Master] of mankind [us all], Forgive our foolish ways509
251a'Twixt gleams of joy and clouds of doubt16
251b'Twixt gleams of joy and clouds of doubt16
252I came not hither of my will3
253How gentle God's commands665
254No longer forward or behindd138No longer forward or behind11
255While thee I seek, protecting Pow'r684
256aI see the wrong that round me lies15
256bI see the wrong that round me lies15
257God is my strong salvationd63God is my [our] strong salvation288
258I look to thee in every need101
259O thou, with whom, in sweet content5
260The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not wantd229The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want583
261The Lord is my Shepherd, no want shall I know595
262Now thank we all our Godd150Now thank we all our God693
263My God, I thank Thee who hast made the earth so bright223
264Thou gracious Power whose mercy lends67
265We go not on a pilgrimage2
266For common gifts we bless thee, Lord4
267In quiet hours the tranquil soul11
268O Father, thou who givest all43
269For the joy of human love1
270O thou who art of all that is14
271I thank thee, Lord, for precious things3
272O sometimes gleams upon our sightd170O sometimes gleams upon our [my] sight81
273Wisdom has treasures greater fard290Wisdom has treasures greater far11
274We pray no more, made lowly wised267We pray no more, made lowly wise27
275At first I prayed for light14
276aMake channels for the streams of loved123Make channels for the streams of love67
276bMake channels for the streams of loved123Make channels for the streams of love67
277aTake my life, and let it be, consecrated1214
277bTake my life, and let it be, consecrated1214
278What thou wilt, O Father, give39
279I thank thee, Lord, for strength of arm28
280aWhen thy heart, with joy o'erflowing, Sings a thankful prayerd280When thy heart [with joy] o'erflowing Sings a thankful prayer101
280bWhen thy heart, with joy o'erflowing, Sings a thankful prayerd280When thy heart [with joy] o'erflowing Sings a thankful prayer101
281aLord, what off'ring shall we bring78
281bLord, what off'ring shall we bring78
282Christian, rise, and act thy creed62
283Who is thy neighbor, he whom thou97
284Teach me, my God and King263
285To mercy, pity, peace and loved252To mercy, pity, peace, and love17
286Scorn not the slightest word or deed114
287We give thee but thine own489
288Send down thy [your] truth, O Godd211Send down thy [your] truth, O God78
289Come, kingdom of our God, Sweet reign of light and love130
290aGo forth to life, O child of earth48
290bGo forth to life, O child of earth48
291aHe liveth long who liveth well51
291bHe liveth long who liveth well51
292Supreme and universal light66
293One Lord there is, all lords above22
294aHow happy is he born and [or] taughtd86How happy is he born and [or] taught111
294bHow happy is he born and [or] taughtd86How happy is he born and [or] taught111
295O thou who hast at thy command100
296A noble life, a simple faith An open heart andd3A noble life, a simple faith An open heart and14
297Abide not in the realm of dreamsd4Abide not in the realm of dreams27
298Awake my soul, stretch every nerved19Awake my soul, stretch every nerve1056
299aMy soul be on thy guard!1371
299bMy soul be on thy guard!1371
300aBelieve not those who say67
300bBelieve not those who say67
301God of the earnest heartd68God of the earnest heart44
302Rise up, O men of God!d205Rise up, O men [man] [youth] of God259
303Come, let us join with faithful souls Our song of faith to sing60
304A mighty fortress is our Godd2A mighty fortress is our God681
305God's glory is a wondrous thing63
306Say not the struggle naught availethd208Say not the struggle naught availeth12
307Father of all, we lift to thee our praise1
308Sing forth his high eternal name17
309God's trumpet wakes the slumbering worldd73God's trumpet wakes the slumbering world95
310Thou Lord of hosts, whose guiding hand45
311Creation's Lord, we give Thee thanks, That this Thy world is incompleted38Creation's Lord, we give Thee thanks, That this Thy world is incomplete44
312Not gold, but only men can maked142Not gold, but only men can make4
313God send us men whose aim 'twill bed71God send us men whose aim will [shall] ['twill] be82
314We praise thee, God, for harvests earnedd266We praise thee, God, for harvests earned16
315aPress on press on ye sons of light60
315bPress on press on ye sons of light60
316The voice of God is calling its summons unto mend239The voice of God is calling its summons unto men65
317Not in dumb resignation We lift our hands on high28
318Men whose boast it is, that yed130Men whose boast it is, that ye61
319Once to every man and nationd183Once to every man and nation199
320Once to every man and nationd183Once to every man and nation199
321aThe past is dark with sin and shame29
321bThe past is dark with sin and shame29
322Spirit of God, in thunder speak3
323Judge eternal, throned in splendor108
324When wilt thou save the [thy] people124
325O God of truth, whose living word75
326Now is the time approachingd147Now is the time approaching58
327The Lord in his righteousness judgeth the people8
328O pure reformers, not in vain30
329Forward through the agesd51Forward through the ages83
330Hail the hero workers of the mighty past19
331Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war, With the cross1808
332O Lord of life, thy kingdom is at hand20
333Thy kingdom come, O Lord, we daily cry12
334Forward! be our watchword, Steps and voices joined343
335Reveal thy truth, O Lord7
336Father, let thy kingdom come16
337Life of ages, richly poured, Love of God, unspent and freed113Life of ages, richly poured, Love of God, unspent and free93
338aThy kingdom come, on bended knee102
338bThy kingdom come, on bended knee102
339Thy kingdom come, O Lord, wide circling as the sund248Thy kingdom come, O Lord, wide circling as the sun71
340Thy kingdom come, O God!129
341Gird on thy sword, O mand58Gird on thy sword, O man7
342Turn back, O man, forswear thy foolish waysd256Turn back, O man, forswear thy foolish ways60
343From street and square, from hill and glen5
344Rise, God, judge thou the earth in might12
345God of grace and God of gloryd66God of grace and God of glory155
346All are architects of fated7All are architects of fate16
347Heir of all the ages, Id80Heir of all the ages, I12
348O brother man, fold to thy heart thy brotherd154O brother man, fold to thy heart thy brother149
349aEternal Ruler of the ceaseless round124
349bEternal Ruler of the ceaseless round124
350The crest and crowning of all goodd223The crest and crowning of all good6
351Onward, brothers, march still onward14
352Wonders still the world shall witnessd293Wonders still the world shall witness7
353Not in vain the distance beaconsd143Not in vain the distance beacons7
354O earth, thy past is crowned and consecrated6
355Now comes the light for which our souls1
356At length there dawns the glorious day62
357We move in faith to unseen goalsd265We move in faith to unseen goals5
358How shall come the kingdom holy6
359Lord God, by whom all change is wrought16
360aThese things shall be, a loftier raced242These things shall be, a loftier race137
360bThese things shall be, a loftier raced242These things shall be, a loftier race137
361Like pilgrims sailing through the night3
362O God, above the drifting years9
363We come unto our fathers' Godd262We come unto our fathers' God78
364Gone are those great and good31
365Now praise we great and famous men30
366Give ear, ye children, to my law16
367Eternal One, thou living God21
368Who dares to bind to his dull sense2
369O God, beneath thy guiding handd159O God, beneath thy [your] guiding hand285
370In pleasant lands have fallen the lines39
371O God, while generations flee6
372America triumphant, Brave land of pioneers14
373Not alone for mighty empire Stretching far o'er land and sead140Not alone for mighty empire Stretching far o'er land and sea85
374God save America, New world of glory42
375Great western land, whose mighty breast4
376God of our fathers, Whose almighty hand424
377God of the Nations, who from dawn of days40
378Uplift the song of praise6
379Great and fair is she, our land21
380God of our fathers, known of old230
381O God of earth and altard161O God of earth and altar75
382My country, to thy shore3
383O beautiful for spacious skiesd153O beautiful for spacious skies512
384My country, 'tis of thee, Sweet land of libertyd134My country, 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty1955
385God bless our native land, Firm may she668
386God bless our native land, may heaven's [his] protecting hand32
387God save our gracious kingd70God save our gracious queen220
388a'O Beautiful, my Country!' Be thine a nobler care73
388b'O Beautiful, my Country!' Be thine a nobler care73
389Rejoice, O land, in God thy might28
390Lord, while for all mankind we pray319
391Not given to us from out the skies2
392Hail the glorious golden city, Pictured by the seers of oldd74Hail the glorious golden city47
393Glorious things of thee are spoken1300
394I saw the city of the Lordd91I saw the city of the Lord4
395The fathers built this city42
396O Thou, not made with hands58
397aLet there be light, Lord God of Hostsd110Let there be light, Lord God of Hosts77
397bLet there be light, Lord God of Hostsd110Let there be light, Lord God of Hosts77
398Hear, hear, O ye nations, and hearing obeyd78Hear, hear, O ye nations, and hearing obey22
399God of the nations, near and far32
400O'er continent and oceand180O'er continent and ocean3
401Brother, sing your country's anthem7
402My country is the world, My flag with stars impearledd133My country is the world, My flag with stars impearled14
403Man's comradeship is very wided127Man's comradeship is very wide4
404O blest the souls that see and hear5
405Fling out the banner, let it float494
406As tranquil streams that meet and merged17As tranquil streams that meet and merge3
407One holy church of God appearsd184One holy church of God appears78
408aThe light pours down from heaven43
408bThe light pours down from heaven43
409The morning light is breaking; the darkness disappears1172
410City of God, how broad and far166
411I love thy church, O God49
412Where is our holy churchd283Where is our holy church4
413In Christ there is no east or [nor] west332
414O ye who taste that love is sweetd178O ye who taste that love is sweet6
415For all thy [your] saints, O Lord [God]157
416O life that maketh all things newd162O life that maketh all things new73
417The ages one great minster seem4
418Gather us in, thou love that fillest alld57Gather us in, thou love that fillest all40
419Thy grace impart, in time to be18
420O sing with loud and joyful song6
421O prophet souls of all the yearsd168O prophet souls of all the years11
422Thou mighty God, who didst of old3
423From age to age the prophets [how grandly] rised53From age to age the prophets [how grandly] rise9
424To thee, eternal soul, be praise30
425When Stephen, full of power and graced278When Stephen, full of power and grace10
426For the brave of every race5
427Fair is their fame who standd44Fair is their fame who stand4
428aFor all thy [the] saints, who from their labors restd47For all thy [the] saints, who from their labors rest571
428bFor all thy [the] saints, who from their labors restd47For all thy [the] saints, who from their labors rest571
429Say not they die those martyr soulsd209Say not they die those martyr souls7
430As the storm retreating11
431All souls, O Lord, are thine5
432Hark, hark, my soul!12
433Through the night of doubt [pain] and sorrow319
434My soul, there is a country39
435O Strength and Stay, upholding all creation51
436When on my day of life the night is falling75
437Show to us thy way, O God3
438By cool Siloam's shady rill607
439Lord, who ordainest for mankind14
440All hidden lie the future ways6
441O Lord, thy people gathered here6
442Wherever through the ages rise11
443Remember me, the Savior [Master] saidd203Remember me, the Savior [Master] said21
444Father, whate'er of earthly bliss876
445A holy air is breathing round a fragrance30
446How sweet and silent is the place15
447O God, unseen, yet [but] ever near, thy presence134
448O thou whose gracious presence shoned174O thou whose gracious presence shone4
449O still in accents sweet and strong124
450Lord, who dost the voices bless8
451It singeth low in every heart, we hear it each and all65
452Calmly, calmly lay him down5
453O perfect love, all human thought [thoughts] transcending239
454All nature's works his praise declare39
455The builders, toiling through the days1
456Almighty Builder, bless, we pray4
457Through willing heart and helping hand2
458God laid his rocks in courses4
459Bring beams of oak, and boulder-stone1
460All things are thine: no gift have we93
461Thou whose unmeasured temple stands240
462Thou glorious God, before whose face7
463O thou whose perfect goodness crowns24
465Rank by rank again we standd202Rank by rank again we stand8
466We love the venerable house30
467Lord, in the hollow of thy hand5
470Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessing, Hope and comfort from above77
471God be with thee, Gently over thee5
471aGod be with you till we meet again1180
472bGod be with you till we meet again1180
473The Lord be with us as we bend144
474Now in the days of youth70
475In life's earnest morning35
476Hast thou heard it, O my brother22
477We thank you, Lord of heavend271We thank you, Lord of heaven7
478With happy voices ringing86
479Father, lead me day by day163
480Marching with the heroes64
481All that's good and great and42
482Father in heaven, who lovest all81
483Fairest Lord Jesus, Savior of all nations2
485Ye [You] that have spent the silent nightd295Ye [You] that have spent the silent night33
487My soul, awake, and render20
489With glory clad, with strength arrayed124
490Our God, to whom we turn18
491Lord of our life, and God of our salvation220
493O Holy Spirit enter in74
494Deck thyself [yourself], my soul with gladness [with joy and gladness]120
495Lo God is here let us adore289
496All people that on earth do dwell, Sing to the Lord with cheerful voiced12All people that on earth do dwell, Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice727
546Faith of our fathers, living still [faith]842
547Ten thousand times ten thousand, in sparkling raiment435
548Jerusalem, the golden, with milk and honey blest914
550O for the peace which [that] floweth as [like] a river69
552Blow, winds of God, and bring us on our way1
553Heaven is here, its [where] hymns of gladness46
554Years are coming, speed them onwardd296Years are coming, speed them onward8
555Now to heaven our prayer [prayers] [cry] ascending155
556Souls of men, why will ye scatter135
557Motherhood, sublime, eternal6
558Master, no offering, costly and sweet119
559aI would be true, for there are those245
559bI would be true, for there are those245
560We have not wings, we cannot soar3
561We may not climb the heavenly steeps263
562Walk in the light, so shalt thou [and you shall] know478
563Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love2285
564Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer1309
565He leadeth me, O blessed thought1281
566From age to age they gather33
567Mine eyes have seen the glory556
156, aAdeste, fideles, Laeti triumphantes97
d162I heard the bells on Christmas day116
d454We follow, Lord, where thou dost lead18
Total texts: 575Total texts: 299
Unique texts: 395Unique texts: 119