The United Methodist Hymnal Mobile App

Questions? Comments?

If you are having any difficulties with the app, would like to suggest a feature, or have any other comments about the app, please let us know!

What hymns are included with the app for free?

See public domain hymns included

Privacy Policy

This app does not collect personally identifiable information about you or any information from your device unrelated to the use of the app.

In order to keep track of the scores you have purchased, does receive a unique identifier from your mobile device. The scores you have purchased are associated with that identifier. Each time you download a score, verifies that you own it.

When you download a new version of a score or an audio file, the download is logged, but that information is used only in the aggregate and not connected with you personally.

Hymn info pages are downloaded from and their use is logged, but the use is not associated with you personally. We use this information to better understand user needs and preferences and to improve our services.

We do not sell, rent, or otherwise transfer personally identifiable information to third parties unless required to by law.

This privacy policy may be revised over time as new features are added or for other reasons. If it is revised, the updated version may be viewed by touching “Privacy Policy” on the app cover page. No other notice will be given.

Account Deletion
If you would like to delete your The United Methodist Hymnal app account, please contact us via the above form (or at Note that after account deletion, we retain anonymized records of completed purchases in order to support our internal accounting.