Browsing topics in A Collection of Hymns and Prayers, for Public and Private Worship

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
ChristSalvation Through Him#113Hail! my ever blessed Jesus
ChristSalvation Through Him#114Awake, my soul, in joyful lays
ChristSalvation Through Him#115My hope, my all, my Savior thou
ChristSalvation Through Him#116Infinite grace! and can it be
ChristSalvation Through Him#117Where shall the tribes of Adam find
ChristSalvation Through Him#118Lamb of God, we fall before thee
ChristSalvation Through Him#119Oh, for a thousand tongues to sing
ChristSalvation Through Him#120Lord, we confess our numerous faults
ChristSalvation Through Him#121Jesus, my Savior, Brother, Friend
ChristSalvation Through Him#122O thou God of my salvation
ChristSalvation Through Him#123Dearest of all the names above
ChristSalvation Through Him#124Plung'd in a gulf of dark despair
ChristSalvation Through Him#125Now begin the heav'nly theme
ChristSalvation Through Him#126How beauteous are their feet
ChristSalvation Through Him#127To our Redeemer's glorious name
ChristSalvation Through Him#128Bright source of everlasting love!
ChristSalvation Through Him#129Lord, should we leave thy hallow'd feet
ChristSalvation Through Him#130Is there on earth a nobler name
ChristSalvation Through Him#131Eternal Spirit! we confess
Christian Graces#272As pants the hart for cooling springs
