Hymnary.org belongs to the Christian Classics Ethereal Library (CCEL) located at Calvin University in Grand Rapids, MI.
Hymnary.org was started in 2007. In partnership with The Hymn Society in the United States and Canada, Hymnary.org now houses the Dictionary of North American Hymnology--making Hymnary.org the most complete database of North American hymnody on the planet.
Hymnary.org is funded in part through advertising and sales of hymn-related products, but it would not survive without the support of many generous people. There are many ways you can support this mission.
Give of your time:
Volunteers play a pivotal role at Hymnary.org. If you would like to add a favorite hymnal, hymn texts, MIDI files, bibliographic information, proof existing information, become an editor or otherwise help out, see our Volunteer page.
Give of your money:
- We depend on financial donations as an important part of our revenue stream. Your donations directly help make Hymnary possible and allow us to continue to improve the site, add hymnals and more.
- Tax-deductible donations can be made securely online through Calvin University's donation page.
Alternatively, you may write a check to CCEL and mail it to
Christian Classics Ethereal Library
3201 Burton SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546Please indicate if you would like Calvin University to contact you regarding other donor opportunities.
- Purchase hymn-related products through the Hymnary.org site.
- Purchase advertising on the Hymnary.org site.
- Publishers may sign on to add their hymn-related products, such as choral, organ, hand-bell or other instrumental arrangements.
- If you have questions regarding donations, please contact Nyna Sykes.