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11 Søndag efter Trefoldigheds Fest 12 Søndag efter Trefoldigheds Fest 13 Søndag efter Trefoldigheds Fest 14 Søndag efter Trefoldigheds Fest 15 Søndag efter Trefoldigheds Fest 16 Søndag efter Trefoldigheds Fest 17 Søndag efter Trefoldigheds Fest 18 Søndag efter Trefoldigheds Fest 19 Søndag efter Trefoldigheds Fest 20 Søndag efter Trefoldigheds Fest 21 Søndag efter Trefoldigheds Fest 22 Søndag efter Trefoldigheds Fest 23 Søndag efter Trefoldigheds Fest 24 Søndag efter Trefoldigheds Fest 25 Søndag efter Trefoldigheds Fest 26 Søndag efter Trefoldigheds Fest 3 Søndag efter Trefoldigheds Fest 4 Søndag efter Trefoldigheds Fest 6 Søndag efter Trefoldigheds Fest 7 Søndag efter Trefoldigheds Fest 8 Søndag efter Trefoldigheds Fest 9 Søndag efter Trefoldigheds Fest A Day of Thanksgiving or a Harvest Festival A Missionary Service A New Heaven and A New Earth Aandelig Strid Aarvaagenhed Aarvaagenhed og Bøn Abba Father Abend-Lieder Abendlieder Abendmahl Abiding Abiding in Christ Abundance Acceptance Acceptance of Christ Accepted Time Accepting Christ Accepting the Call and Resting in Christ Access to God Acción de Gracias Aclamación Antes Del Evangelio Aclamación Conmemorativa Acrostic Psalms Action Activity Acts of the Church Acts of Worship Added Hymns Additional Hymns Admonition Admonition and Invitation Adoption Adoración Adoración y alabanza Adoration Adoration and Praise Adoration and Worship Adoration of God Adoration of Jesus Christ Adoration, Praise, and Thanksgiving Adoration, Praise, Thanksgiving Adore the Lord Advenimiento Advent Advent 1 Advent 2 Advent 3 Advent 4 Advent and Christmas Advent and Nativity Advent I Advent II Advent III Advent IV Advent Of Christ Advent Season Advent, First Sunday Advent, Fourth Sunday Advent, Second Sunday Advent, Third Sunday Advents-und Weihnachts-Lieder Adversaries Adversity Adviento Affirmation Affirmation of Baptism Affirmation of Faith Afflicción Afflicted Afflicted Saints happy Affliction Affliction and Tribulation Afflictions Afflictions and Changes of Life Afflictions/Trials African Hymns After Sermon Aged saint's reflection and hope Aging Agnus Dei Agua Aid and development Alabanza Alabanza y Acción de Gracias Alegría Alienation All Saints All Saints (November 1) All Saints Day All Saints' Day All Souls All-seeing God Alle Helgens Dag Allegiance Alleluia Alleluias Allgemeine Lob- und Gebetlieder Almindelig Bededag Almsgiving Altar Alternative Harmonizations Amen Amens Amistad Amor Amor Cristiano Amor de Dios Amor de Dios para Nosotros Amor Para Dios Amor Para Otros Ancient Hymns Ancient Hymns and Canticles Ancient Office Hymn Andar Cristiano Anden Juledag Anden Paaskedag Anden Søndag efter Paaske Anden Søndag efter Trefoldiheds Fest Anden Søndag I Advent Anden Søndag I Faste Andre Søndag I Advent Andre Søndag I Faste Angels Anger Anger of God Anhelo Animals Anniversaries Anniversary Anniversary of a Church Annunciation Año Cristiano Anoint Anointing Anthems Anti-Slavery Anticipation Antiphonal Psalms Anxiety Apertura del Culto Apostles Appeal to God Appeals in Behalf of the Slave Approach to God Approaching God Ardor and Valor Arrepentimiento Arts and Music Arts, Science Ascension Ascension & Reign of Christ Ascension and Reign Ascension Day Ascension of Christ Ascension of the Lord Ascensiontide Ascents Ash Wednesday Ash Wednesday and Lent Ashamed of Jesus Asleep in Jesus Aspiration Aspiration and Communion Aspiration and Consecration Aspiration and Endeavor Aspiration and Resolve Aspirations Aspiriaton Assistance from God Associations; Conventions; Missionary Meetings Assurance Assurance and Confidence Assurance and Trust Assurance in Doubt Assurance of Grace Assurance of Pardon Assurance, Security, Confidence,Rest At the Opening of Public Worship Atheism Atonement Atonement-Salvation Atonement, Salvation Åttende Søndag efter Trefoldiheds Fest Attributes and Providence of God Attributes of God Attributes, Characters, Names, and Offices of Christ, from the New Testament Attributes, Characters, Names, and Offices of Christ, from the New Testatment Auferstehung und Weltgericht Aufs heilige Weihnachts-Fest Authority from God Authority of God Autumn Avivamiento y Confesión Awakening Awakening and Exhortation Awakening and Inviting Awareness and Prayer Backslider Backsliding Backsliding Sol in Distress and Desertion Backsliding soul Backsliding Soul in Distress and Desertion Baptism Baptism (general) Baptism and Confirmation Baptism and Dedication Baptism of Children Baptism of Jesus Baptism of Our Lord Baptism of the Lord Baptism, Confirmation and Dedication Baptismal Life Bautismo Beauty Before Sermon Beginning of Service Beginning of Worship Begräbnislieder Begräbnißlied Being and Attributes of God Being and Perfections of God Belief Believe Bells Bendición Benediction Benedictions Benevolence Bethlehem Bible Bible Narratives Bible Songs Bible--Word of God Bible, The Biblia Biblical Canticles Biblical Characters Biblical Names Biblical Names & Places Biblical Names and Places Biblical Narrative Biblical Persons Biblical Places Biblische Gesänge Bienvenida Birth Birth of Christ Bless the Lord Blessed Hope Blessed Virgin Mary Blessedness Blessing Blessing and Parting Blessing of Children Blessings Blessings of the Covenant Blessings temporal and Spiritual Blindness Blood Blood of Christ Blood of Christ cleansing from Sin Boasting Bodspsalmer Body and Blood of Christ Body of Christ Boldness Bön Book Four: Occasional Selections, Gospel Songs and Hymns Book of Nature and Scripture Book One: Hymns, Songs, Chorales Book Three: Children's Hymns and Songs Bønnen Bread Bread of Life Brevity & Frailty of Life Brevity And Frailty Of Life Brevity of Life Broken-hearted Brokenness Brotherhood Brotherhood and Service Brotherhood and Sisterhood Brotherhood and World Peace Brotherhoods and Men's Guilds Brotherly Love Burdens Burial Burial of the Dead Buscar Buße Bußlied Bußlieder By Confession By Eucharist Call Call and Repentance Call and Response Call and Responses Call and Vocation Call of Christ Call to Service Call to the Christian Life Call to Worship Call/Calling Calling Calling and Commissioning Calling and Response Calling and Vocation Calls to Worship Calm Calmness Calmness and Serenity Calvary Canción Canons Canons and Rounds Cantar Cristiano Canticles Canticles and Affirmations of Faith Canticles and Ancient Hymns Canticles and other parts of divine service Canticles and Scripture Paraphrases Canticles, Metrical Paraphrase of Cánticos Canticos Liturgicos Cantos a la Virgen Cantos de Comunión Cantos de Entrada Cantos de Salida Cantos Litúrgicos Cantos Marianos Captivity Care Care and Guidance Care for one another Care of Creation Care of God over his Saints Care of the Sick Cares Caring Carols Carols and Spiritual Songs Cast Out Fear Catechism Catechismus-Lieder Celebrating Time Celebration Celebration and Praise Celebration of Faith Celebration, Jubilation Celebrations Cena del Señor Centering Challenge Challenge of Gospel Change Chants Chants and Responses Chants, Canticles, Ascriptions Character Character and Perfections of God Character, Attributes, and Providence of God Characters and Representations of Christ Characters of Christ Charitable and Missionary Meetings Charity Chastening Chastisement Cheerfulness Childhood Childhood and Youth Children Children and All-Age Worship Children and Sabbath Schools Children and Sabbath-Schools Children and Youth Children of God Children's Choir Selection Children's Choir Selections Children's Day Children's Hymns Children's Services Children's Songs Choir Choir and Choruses Choir and Convention Pieces Choir and Special Choir Pieces Choir Selections Choosing Christ Choral Hymns Choral Section Chorus (If Desired) Choruses Choruses (refrain) Choruses (Short) Choruses and Meditative Songs Choruses and Refrains Choruses, Refrains Christ Christ — His Kingdom and Atonement Christ (Jesus) Christ All and In All Christ and Christianity Christ as King Christ Incarnate Christ Risen Christ the Friend of Sinners Christ the Healer Christ the King Christ the Redeemer Christ the Savior Christ the Shepherd Christ the Son Christ the Universal Christ the Way Christ tne King Sunday Christ- the Atonement Christ--Adoration and praise Christ--Atonement Christ--Presence of Christ--Victorious Christ-like Life Christ, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God Christ's Call Christ's coming Christ's Divinity Christ's Example Christ's Gracious Life Christ's Humanity Christ's Life Christ's Love Christ's Manifestation and Glory - Epiphany Christ's Name and Grace Extolled Christ's Passion Christ's Passion and Cross - Lent Christ's Resurrection Christ's Return Christ's Return and Judgment Christ's Sacrifice Christ's Second Coming Christ's Work and Dominion Christan Life Christian Christian Activity Christian Acts and Exercises Christian Affections and Life Christian Character Christian Character and Life Christian Church Christian Citizenship Christian Commission Christian Commitment Christian Community Christian conflict Christian Consolation Christian Conversion Christian Courage Christian Courage and Cheer Christian Discipline Christian Duties and Affections Christian Education Christian Evidences Christian Experience Christian Faith and Experience Christian Fellowship Christian Friendship Christian Graces Christian Holiness Christian Home Christian Hope Christian Initiation Christian Initiation of Adults Christian Initiation/Baptism Christian Joy Christian Life Christian Life and Change Christian Life and Hope Christian Life and Service Christian Living Christian Love Christian Maturity Christian Morality Christian Ordinances and Institutions - The House of God Christian Perfection Christian Philanthropy and Reform Christian Pilgrimage Christian Qualifications Christian Responsibility Christian Service Christian Service and Soul Winning Christian unity Christian Walk Christian warfare Christian Work Christian Worship, and the Lord's Day Christian Year Christian Year and Observances Christian year--Advent Christian year--Christmas Christian year--Easter Christian year--Epiphany Christian year--Lent Christian year--Return of Christ Christian year--Trinity Christian Year-Advent Christian Year-Christmastide Christian Year-Eastertide Christian Year: Advent Christian Year: Christmas Christian Year: Holy Week Christian's Testimony Christianity Christians Christliche Sinn und Wandel Christliches Leben Christmas Christmas 1 Christmas 2 Christmas Day Christmas Day 1 Christmas Day 2 Christmas Eve Christmas Hymns Christmas Season Church Church and Life Together Church and Mission Church Anniversary Church At Rest Church Festivals Church Hymns Church in the World Church Life and Work Church Militant Church of Christ Church Ordinances Church Triumphant Church Year Church--Community in Christ Church--Foundation and nature Church, Family of Believers Church, The Churches Cielo Cielo Nuevo y Tierra Nueva Circumcision Citizenship Citizenship, Christian City City of God City/City of God Civil Magistracy Civil Year Cleansing Cleansing and Forgiveness Cleansing From Sin Close of Life Close of Service Close of Worship Close of Worship / Sending Forth Closing Closing Hymns Closing of Service Closing of Worship Colonies Planted Comfort Comfort - Comforter Comfort & Encouragement Comfort & Rest Comfort and Assurance Comfort and Care Comfort and Consolation Comfort and Encouragement Comfort and Guidance Comfort and Hope Comfort and Rest Comfort and Support in God Comfort in Loss Comfort in Trials Comfort, Death, and Glory Comfort, Holiness and Pardon Comfort, Rest Comfort,Encouragement, Hope Comfort/Consolation Comforter Coming of Christ Coming to Christ Commandments Commemorations and Occasions Commission Commissioning Commissioning Service Commitment Commitment & Dedication Commitment and Consecration Commitment and Submission Commitment, Dedication, Consecration, Devotion Commitment, Discipleship Commitment/Dedication Common Hymns for High Mass Communion Communion and Fellowship Communion Hymns Communion in Prayer Communion of Christians Communion of Saints Communion of Saints and Life Everlasting Communion of the Saints Communion Processional Hymns Communion Service Communion Service - Love Feast Communion Setting Communion with Christ Communion with Christ and God Communion with God Communion With God, With Christ Communion with Saints Communion-Fellowship Communion, Prayer and Praise Community Community in Christ Companions Company of saints Compassion Compassion of God Complacency Complaint Compromiso Compromiso Cristiano Comunidad Comunion Comunión con Dios Comunión de los Santos Confesión Confesión de Cristo Confesión y Perdón Confessing Christ Confessing Faith Confession Confession and Absolution Confession and Assurance Confession and Forgiveness Confession and Penitence Confession and repentance Confession of Christ Confession of Faith Confession of Sin Confession-Testimony Confession, Experience Confession, Forgiveness Confession, Lament, and Healing Confession, Testimony Confessions Confianza Confianza y Seguridad Confianza, Guia Confidence Confidence and Joy Confidence and Resignation Confidence in God Confirmación Confirmation Confirmation Service Conflict Conflict and Courage Conflict and Struggle Conflict and Victory Conflict With Sin Conflict, Suffering and Doubt Conflicto y Victoria Conformity Conformity to Christ Congregados para adorar Conqueror, Christ the Consagración Conscience Consecration Consecration and Dedication Consecration and Fellowship Consecration and Holiness Consecration and Service Consecration of Churches Consistency Consolation Consolation Songs Constancy Consuelo Consuelo y Seguridad Consummation in Christ Consummation of Things Contemplation of Death and Eternity Contentment Continuing Revelation Contrition Conventions Converse with God Conversion Conversion and Faith Conversion and New Life Conviction Conviction of Sin Cordero de Dios Corner-stone and Consecration Cornerstone Counsel and Support form God Counsel and Support from God Courage Courage and Cheer Courage and Hope Courage and Loyalty Courage, Faith, Loyalty Covenant Covenant Faithfulness Covenant of Grace Covenant, Commitment and Dedication Covenant/Law Covenanting Covenent Covetousness Creación Creation Creation and Earth Creation and Providence Creation and the Environment Creation, Preservation, and temporal Blessings Creativity Creator Creatures Creed Cries of the Slave to God Cristo Cristo el Salvador Cross Cross and Comfort Cross and Crown Cross andTribulation Cross of Christ Cross of the Believer Cross-bearing Crown Crown of Life Crucifixion Crucifixion of Christ Cruz de Cristo Cruz, Santa Cry to God Cuaresma Culto Culture, Community & Nation Daily Daily bread Daily Devotion Daily Life Daily Life and Work Daily Prayer Daily Work Dance Danger Danger of Delay Dar Gracias Darkness Darkness and Light Darkness, Spiritual Das christliche Familienleben Das Gebet Das Kirchenjahr Das Wort Gottes Day Day of grace Day of Judgment Days Death Death and Bereavement Death and Burial Death and Dying Death and Eternal Life Death And Eternity Death and Funeral Death and Funeral Songs Death and Immortal Life Death and Judgment Death and Resurrection Death of Believers Death, Judgment, and The Future State Death/Dying Decision Decision Day Declaration Declaration, Proclamation of Faith Decrees Decrees of God Dedication Dedication and Devotion Dedication and Stewardship Dedication Festival Dedication of a Church Dedication of Church Dedication of churches Dedication of Life Dedication Services Dedications Dedications; Ordinations; Installations Defense Delay Delaying Sinners warned Delight Delight and Safety in Church Delight in Law of God Deliverance Deliverance from Death Deliverance From Enemies Deliverance From Trouble Den Heillig-Aands Naadevirkninger i Almindelighed Dependence Dependence on God Depravity Der Hausstand Der Kirche Ausbreitung. Missionslied Der Tag des Herrn und der öffentliche Gottesdiest Descants Descants and Fauxbourdons Description of Desert / Wilderness