Browsing topics in A Collection of Psalms and Hymns for Christian Worship. 16th ed.

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
MiscellaneousMissionaries#503From Greenland's icy mountains
MiscellaneousOld age anticipated#511When in the vale of lengthened years
MiscellaneousRain#495'T is by thy strength the mountains stand
MiscellaneousRain#496Good is the Lord, the heavenly King
MiscellaneousRain#497The dews and rains, in all their store
MiscellaneousRestoration of Israel#504Daughter of Zion, from the dust
MiscellaneousSeasons of the year#492Great God, at whose all powerful call
MiscellaneousSeasons of the year#493Lord of the worlds below
MiscellaneousSeasons of the year#494With songs and honours sounding loud
MiscellaneousThe Saints in glory#516How bright these glorious spirits shine
Morning and EveningEvening#51Glory to thee, my God, this night
Morning and EveningEvening#52God that madest earth and heaven
Morning and EveningEvening#53Indulgent God, whose bounteous care
Morning and EveningEvening#54In mercy, Lord, remember me
Morning and EveningEvening#55Interval of grateful shade
Morning and EveningEvening#56The swift-declining day
Morning and EveningEvening#57The heavenly spheres to thee, O God
Morning and EveningEvening#58Thus far the Lord has led me on
Morning and EveningMorning#35Awake, my soul, and with the sun
Morning and EveningMorning#36Behold the morning sun
