Browsing topics in Gifts of Love: new hymns for today's worship

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Advent#20There is a mighty question we ask when nations rage
Advent#21God, we await your advent here
Anniversary, Church#14Our God, we are a church reformed
Anniversary, Church#32Our God, we sing and celebrate! Your grace to us is clear!
Anniversary, Church#35On this day of celebration
Apostles' Creed#13I believe in God the Father
Baptism#4Spirit of God, you moved over the waters
Baptism#13I believe in God the Father
Baptism#26Creator of the water that makes the world so green
Bible#1Your word is like a lamp, O Lord
Bible#18We thank you, God, for teachers
Children and Youth#15Children are welcome, Christ said one day
Children and Youth#16God of generations, we are all your children
Children and Youth#18We thank you, God, for teachers
Children and Youth#28God, we sing and worship, joining friends and neighbors
Children and Youth#36Christ be with us, Christ behind us
Children and Youth#38God, we have heard it, sounding in the silence
Christian Education#18We thank you, God, for teachers
Christian Education#28God, we sing and worship, joining friends and neighbors
Christian unity#15Children are welcome, Christ said one day
