Browsing topics in Inspiring Songs No. 1: for the Sunday school

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Anniversary#141Another year has glided by
Assurance#76My life is filled with sunshine
Assurance#106"Whosoever heareth," shout, shout the sound
Assurance#162Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine
Benevolence#114Is thy cruise of comfort failing
Bible#71Sing them over again to me
Bible#88Wonderful Bible! Book of God
Bible#150O the blessed bible, what a treasure
Character Building#174Little drops of water
Children's Day#12The cheery robin sings, "Be glad!"
Children's Day#17Birdies sing their songs of praise
Children's Day#32Children! children!
Children's Day#39We come, we come
Children's Day#58Come, come
Children's Day#69All nature chants her Maker's praise
Children's Day#73When the daylight dies
Children's Day#124We come, we come with happy hearts
Children's Day#125The voice of thanksgiving we cheerfully raise
Children's Day#133We gather, we gather, dear Jesus to bring
Christ the Shepherd#33Blessed Jesus, tender Shepherd
