Browsing topics in Common Service Book of the Lutheran Church

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Hymns for Children#547We will carol joyfully
Hymns for Children#548Easter flowers are blooming bright
Hymns for Children#549Golden harps are sounding
Hymns for Children#550Holy Spirit, hear us
Hymns for Children#551God spake, my child, God spake to thee
Hymns for Children#552I was made a Christian
Hymns for Children#553Around the throne of God in heaven
Hymns for Children#554Each little flower that opens
Hymns for Children#555Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me!
Hymns for Children#556I am Jesus' little lamb
Hymns for Children#557I think, when I read that sweet story of old
Hymns for Children#558There's a Friend for little children
Hymns for Children#559Heavenly Father, send Thy blessing
Hymns for Children#560Who is He in yonder stall
Hymns for Children#561Gentle Jesus, meek and mild
Hymns for Children#562From the eastern mountains
Hymns for Children#563God of heaven, hear our singing
Hymns for Children#564bSaviour, Blessèd Saviour
Hymns for Children#564aSaviour, Blessèd Saviour
Hymns for Children#565bSaviour, like a shepherd lead us
