Browsing topics in New Hymn and Tune Book: an Offering of Praise for the Use of the African M. E. Zion Church of America

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Death and Resurrection#269cJesus, was ever love like thine!
Death and Resurrection#283bHe's gone! the spotless soul is gone
Death and Resurrection#309bAnd am I only born to die?
Death and Resurrection#341eSpirit, leave thy house of clay
Death and Resurrection#345eHark! a voice divides the sky
Death and Resurrection#347cLo! the pris'ner is released
Death and Resurrection#349aWhy should we lament the lot
Death and Resurrection#359cHappy soul, thy days are ending
Death and Resurrection#361eHosanna to Jesus on high!
Death and Resurrection#365aHow blest is our brother, bereft
Death and Resurrection#367eWeep not for a brother deceased
Death and Resurrection#367cMan dieth and wasteth away
Death and Resurrection#405bFriend after friend departs
Doxologies#411jPraise the Name of God most high
Doxologies#411iSing we to our God above
Doxologies#411hTo Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
Doxologies#411gTo God the Father's throne
Doxologies#411fNow to the great and sacred Three
Doxologies#411vO Father Almighty, to thee be address'd
Doxologies#411eImmortal honour, endless fame
