Browsing topics in The Riverdale Hymn Book

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Confession of Christ#225Lord, I believe; thy pow'r I own
Confession of Christ#226I heard the voice of Jesus say
Confession of Christ#227I sought the Lord, and afterward I knew
Confession of Christ#228Thou didst leave Thy throne
Confession of Christ#229Behold the Lamb,! Oh! thou for sinners slain
Confession of Christ#230Jesus, I my cross have taken
Dedication#407All things are thine: no gift have we
Dedication#408Thou whose unmeasured temple stands
Evening#12The sun is sinking fast
Evening#13O gladsome Light, O Grace of God the Father's face
Evening#14God of all grace, thy mercy send
Evening#15All praise to thee, my God, this night
Evening#16The day is past and over
Evening#17God, that madest earth and heaven
Evening#18The day, O Lord, is spent
Evening#19Now the day is over
Evening#20The shadows of the evening hours
Evening#21Sun of my soul, thou Saviour dear
Evening#22The radiant morn hath passed away
Evening#23Now God be with us, for the night is closing
