Browsing topics in Sunday School Hymns No. 1

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Children's Day#293Sing to the Lord a joyful song
Children's Day#294In bright ranks, we're marching
Children's Day#295Father we have come today
Christ the Shepherd#11Follow thou where Jesus leadeth
Christ the Shepherd#12O come in childhood's sunny hour and seek today thy Saviour's face
Christ the Shepherd#45Acknowledge Him in all your ways
Christ the Shepherd#80Hear the Shepherd's voice so sweetly saying
Christ the Shepherd#84The Lord is my Shepherd, no want shall I know
Christ the Shepherd#97The Shepherd is calling; oh, list to His voice!
Christ the Shepherd#104O weary one wand'ring in darkness
Christ the Shepherd#131Dear to the heart of the Shepherd
Christ the Shepherd#135To Thee we lift our joyful voices
Christ the Shepherd#188Savior, like a shepherd lead us
Christ's coming#20The Lord of the harvest is coming
Christ's coming#101Sweet is the message of full and free salvation
Christmas#248The people that in darkness walked
Christmas#249O little town of Bethlehem
Christmas#250Peaceful the wondrous night
Christmas#251See the brightly shining star
Christmas#252Sing out your gladsome carols
