Topic | Sub-Topic | Hymn | First Line |
Worship and Adoration | | #13 | Rejoice, the Lord is King! |
Worship and Adoration | | #14 | O magnify the Lord with me |
Worship and Adoration | | #15 | O God, our help in ages past |
Worship and Adoration | | #16 | Come, Thou Almighty King |
Worship and Adoration | | #17 | Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee |
Worship and Adoration | | #18 | How can I say thanks for the things You have done for me? |
Worship and Adoration | | #19 | To God be the glory—great things He hath done! |
Worship and Adoration | | #20 | I will bless the Lord at all times |
Worship and Adoration | | #21 | All creatures of our God and King |
Worship and Adoration | | #23 | Let's just praise the Lord! |
Worship and Adoration | | #24 | Come, we that love the Lord |
Worship and Adoration | | #25 | How to reach the masses, men of ev'ry birth |
Worship and Adoration | | #26 | Father, I adore You |
Worship and Adoration | | #27 | Faith of our fathers, living still |
Worship and Adoration | | #28 | Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war |
Worship and Adoration | | #29 | Stand up, stand up for Jesus |
Worship and Adoration | | #32 | Christ has for sin atonement made |
Worship and Adoration | | #33 | O give thanks unto the Lord |
Worship and Adoration | | #37 | Jesus, Lover of my soul |
Worship and Adoration | | #38 | Love divine, all loves excelling |