Browsing Elements of Worship in Small Church Music

Select an element:

ElementHymnFirst Line
Advent Candle Lighting#2057Light one candle to watch for Messiah
Agnus Dei#1861cO Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world
Amen#5759Amens (Various Versions)
Benediction#471God be with you till we meet again
Benediction#4091The Lord bless you and keep you
Closing Songs#13Abide with me
Closing Songs#51The day Thou gavest, Lord, is ended
Closing Songs#57While shepherds kept their watching
Closing Songs#101Now the day is over
Closing Songs#139A mighty fortress is our God
Closing Songs#216Thine be the Glory
Closing Songs#265Savior, again to Thy dear Name we raise
Closing Songs#297Blest be the tie that binds
Closing Songs#471God be with you till we meet again
Closing Songs#1053May the grace of Christ our Saviour
Closing Songs#1235Masiti, Amen siyakudumisa
Closing Songs#2772May the grace of Christ our Saviour
Closing Songs#2797May the grace of Christ our Saviour
Closing Songs#3591May the grace of Christ our Saviour
Closing Songs#3695On Jordan's stormy banks I stand
