XIV. An exhortation to praise God and a desire to be filled with his Fulness

1 Sing to the Lord and bless his name,
The God that built the sky;
Trust not in men or mighty fame;
But on your God rely.

2 Unto our God let us give praise,
Because it is his due,
And to his name now let us raise
Songs of thanksgiving too.

3 Exalt the Lord your God to day;
Come let us all unite
His lovely voice for to obey
With pleasure and delight.

4 Oh may we feat upon that bread,
Which if a man shall eat,
He shall not die. May we be fed
With this reviving meat!

5 O may we drink the richest wine
Which is our Saviour's blood,
And may we feast on things divine,
O thou most blessed God.

6 Come, warm our hearts with sacred fire,
Which is eternal love,
Take our affections and desires,
Fix them on things above.

7 O may we join the heav'nly host,
Loud praises for to sing,
To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
Upon the highest string.

8 Come join upon the highest key,
God's name for to adore;
To Geo on high all glory be,
Now and for evermore.

Text Information
First Line: Sing to the Lord and bless his name
Title: An exhortation to praise God and a desire to be filled with his Fulness
Language: English
Publication Date: 1782
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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